2015 Hampshire Road Relays Announcement


For details visit the Hampshire Athletics Road Relays page.  Questions should be addressed to relays@hrrl.org.ukuld be addressed to relays@hrrl.org.uk


Q & A Notes

There are 3 legs per relay race and 1 runner from each relay team competing one leg of the race A runner may not run more than one leg in the same race

The 3 competing runners in each team are selected by the team from between 3 and 9 runner names on the entry form for that team.

You can enter as many teams as you wish. If, for example, you entered 3 teams the minimum number of runners you could declare to ensure complete teams is 9 and the maximum 27.

Each relay race entry fee is £9 per team. The Under 11 race entry fee is £3 per runner.

Please use a separate form for different age group categories. More than one team of the same category may be entered on one form. Please state the number of teams entered on each form

An incomplete team can run on the day if you have insufficient runners but runners still want to compete, as long as the club has declared sufficient number of teams and the runners are declared on the entry form.

Please e-mail with any further queries to